Every August just before families begin to get back into the routine of life, we like to reset and bring focus to a specific area with 7 Days of Prayer & Fasting. We encourage our church family to join us in both prayer and fasting as a spiritual next step as we specifically pray for those in our life who need God.
As you practice seeking Him first through prayer, He will move on your behalf like never before. You will start to see the power of prayer impact your relationships at work, in your family, and every area of your life.
We’ve put together a prayer guide along that you can both read and listen to during your prayer time. Take time each day to focus on one area and let’s watch how God begins to move in both your life and those you’ve been praying for!
Praying for those who need God.
God desires everyone to know Him. He says in His Word that He would leave the 99 to go after the one who doesn’t Know Him. As followers of Christ, we are called to partner with Him praying for those who don’t know Him to come to know Him.
Give me a burden for those around me who need Jesus.
The Bible tells us that it is God’s desire that none, not one, would perish… At the very sight of seeing His people, His creation living a life apart from Him breaks His heart. Our prayer and fasting begins with asking God to make me aware of those I live in community with who need Jesus. To give me a burden for those who have no hope, those who are lost and need a Savior!
I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. – EZEKIEL 36:26
There are people all around us who need Jesus in their life. We have family members far from God, people we work with every day, neighbors that we’ve known for years who live life without God and will one day miss living an eternity with Him. But it begins with us… God has placed you in their life for a time like this.
“Lord, search my heart. Start with me. Give me compassion for those who need Your mercy and Your grace. Break my heart for those living with no hope. Open my eyes and allow me to see those who need a Savior in their life. Let me feel the burden of those around me who are lost and need You.”

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Ask the Father to draw them to Jesus.
God draws people to Him. It’s not something we can make happen out of our own efforts, so we need to be faithful in praying that the Father would draw those He’s placed on our hearts to Jesus.
No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them… – JOHN 6:44
Think about the people you know who are far from God. Let your heart be open to God and anyone He may bring to your mind. It may help to write down their names as you focus on praying for them.
“Father, I pray for the people around me (list specific names), that you would supernaturally draw their hearts to you. Send your Holy Spirit to them, and give them the desire to give their lives to You. Help them to recognize their longing for more in life as a spiritual thirst only you can quench. Open their ears to hear your voice.”

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Bind the spirit that blinds their minds.
The truth can be right in front of some people, and they still can’t see it because something is in the way blocking their view of God.
The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. – 2 CORINTHIANS 4:4
We can pray against whatever is in their way so that they can see the light of God. We can pray that they would see the truth without any obstacles or distractions interfering.
“Father, bind the evil spirits that are blinding the minds of the people around me. In the name of Jesus, I pray that they would be able to see clearly, to recognize who You are, and to give their hearts to You. Remove all hindrances the enemy would use to distract them from Your truth. Open their eyes, Lord, that they might see Jesus.”

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Pray that they may have a personal relationship with God.
Many people think Christianity is just another religion. They only see God through the lens of the organization and institution of the church. They may even feel frustrated, angry, or betrayed by people in churches they have encountered or by religious legalists and their hypocrisy. But God didn’t come to build an organization. He came to have a relationship with his children.
The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.” – ROMANS 8:15
God wants His beloved sons and daughters to come home. Praying for people to have personal encounters with the living God makes a huge difference.
“Father, I pray that people will understand how much You love them. Loose the spirit of adoption for the people around me, so that they come into a meaningful relationship with You. Stir in their hearts a longing to come home, to hear Your voice, and to see You welcoming them with open arms. Let them know You are always running to meet them and hold them close.”

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Pray for believer’s to cross their paths.
This is twofold: we can pray for other Christians to influence the people around them positively, and we can also look for opportunities to influence others positively ourselves. God’s plan to reach people is worked through those who already know and love Him. Jesus asked us to pray for people to go into the world to be salt and light. He came to bring the good news of the Gospel to all people, and His desire is that everyone would know and love Him.
Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. – MATTHEW 9:38
As his “spiritual farmers,” we should be attuned to opportunities to plant spiritual seeds in the lives of the people we encounter each day. We may have no idea who has already been praying for them and the culminating impact our kind word, compassionate act, or loving attitude can have to draw someone to Christ.
“Father, I pray for the lost around me to meet believers who will influence them in a positive way. Lord, let my life shine in such a way that people want to know the God I serve. Allow others to see my genuine love and concern for them in all that I say and do. Let me be Your hands and feet to serve them and let them know just how much You love them.”

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Release the Spirit of wisdom and revelation on them, so they may know God better.
It’s that “eureka” moment, that “aha!” when it finally clicks. The most important moment to have this kind of revelation is when the lights come on spiritually. People need to see their own sin, see what Jesus did on the cross, and see the hope that comes from giving their life to God.
I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. – EPHESIANS 1:17
People need wisdom, not just knowledge, of spiritual things and insight into how spiritual realities directly impact them. We can pray for this kind of supernatural revelation that only comes from God.
“Father, I pray for the people around me to experience the spirit of wisdom and revelation. I pray that they would truly understand their spiritual condition and see what Jesus did for them on the cross. Help them to have the information and experiences needed to come to You, so they can understand all You have for them.”

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Give me the boldness to share my faith with them.
Oh how God longs to empower us to be His hands and feet, and to communicate His loving heart to a hurting world. To this we must grow to be “bold” and “courageous” – and no matter who we may think we are, our Father placed the capacity for courage within us before the foundations of the earth.
Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, 20 for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should. – EPHESIANS 6:19
Guess what? You will find that it’s already been placed within us—it’s been there all along, empowering us to do the “impossible” because HE can do the impossible. The God of Creation lives within you and He lives within me. He empowers us to “roar” with courage. No matter how we may feel, this is the truth.
“As I face my fears, when I am feeling afraid, when I am feeling timid, remind me of who YOU are, and who I am in You. You are strong and courageous, the Almighty King and loving Father. You have said in Your word that as I wait upon You, I can “take courage,” because I know You are with me, You are for me, and through Your Spirit empower me with the courage and the strength to share my faith with those you have placed in my path.”
Guide to Prayer & Fasting
Fasting is the most powerful spiritual discipline of all the Christian disciplines. Through fasting and prayer, the Holy Spirit can transform your life.